Thursday, September 25, 2014

Holy Spirit Annointing!

Have you experienced a fresh Holy Spirit annointing? what are you waiting for? We all get cold and selfish and forget that God's power is fresh every new morning! Ask Him to pour out His power over you and to show you what He has in store for today! We cannot do it without His power and we CAN do so much more with it! Our own desires continue to get in the way. "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart!" If you ask Him for His will and surrender to it...your desires will be His desires and you will see open opportunity for Kingdom work! How cool is it to have God work through you! And you will see the fruits ...if not here...there when we sit at His feet!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Where or What is your Ninevah?

Have you ever run from God? And the answer is, yes...we all have. We have our own agenda of how we would like our life to be and when 'life interruptions' come and God ask us to change directions, we normally don't like it. I am studying the book of Jonah and amazed at what I am learning in the first chapter! I really had to think about what my 'Ninevah' is right now. Jonah didn't want to go to Ninevah because he didn't want the people there to be saved! I really thought about 'who' I pray for with regards to salvation. I realized that when I pray for some people that maybe haven't made me happy for some reason....I may not be genuinely praying for thier salvation. Could that be part of my Ninevah? Could I really be prejuiced about who I pray for? Do I really have a burden for their soul? How dare I not! After all, God saved a lowly sinner like me and offers me grace EVERY new day. We should not waste a minute in praying for the lost. God's will is certainly that we have a burden for His Kingdom...let's do our part!!

Friday, September 5, 2014

To Have God is to NEED God!

How self sufficient are you? Do you feel that you can fully take care of your every need? What about your next breath?? Where does it come from? If you have ever have pondered that question. I never really thought about it until one day this huge thing called a 'panic attack' overcame me and I could NOT breathe! I thought I was dying! I just knew that at any second I was going to be looking face to face with my God! That part gave me peace, but not breathing nearly scared the life out of me. Obviously, 28 years later I'm still breathing. So why try another blog...I just keep getting this nudge that there is something that I need to say. Today it is simply that I NEED God! I NEED Him every minute of every day! And He is with me! Do you have that assurance? Do you NEED Him for your next breath?

What Does God Require of You?

"What does God require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8